Saturday, July 7, 2012

Fear Interlude

              Fear.  How can so simple an emotion have so much power?  Fear can evoke a whole range of emotions and can make a man do things he never thought possible.  Fear can make a grown man cower like child scared of the dark, and it can give an all but fallen warrior the fighting chance to survive.  It can give an entire race known for its ruthless ways the power to dominate countless lesser races just for fear of what may come from acting against them.

         I’ve spent my whole life trying to understand this powerful emotion known simply as fear.  Decades of training, both physical and mental, have helped me to unlock the potential hidden under the surface of this paralyzing beast. I have learned to mold fear into an advantage instead of a hindrance.  Along with fear comes a rush of adrenaline and a heightened sense of awareness to your surroundings.  It gives you an edge that will push you to your limits and give you the needed skill to survive.

           Some say there is nothing to fear but fear itself.  I do not agree.  To the contrary, I feel that fear is something to embrace.  It has walked with me down many dark paths and has led me to many places I could not have been without it.  It has led me to victory in battle, warned me of impending danger, and held me in check when I would have jumped in over my head.

            No, fear is no enemy of mine--I have enough of those already—it is my guide along the path of life.  I welcome it's companionship.

                                    ~ Main Character (name pending)

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